Comparison of milk yield and composition of descriptive goat breeds & local non-descriptive breed (Ajharhy) in District Swat

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Research Paper 01/12/2021
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Comparison of milk yield and composition of descriptive goat breeds & local non-descriptive breed (Ajharhy) in District Swat

Nadar Khan, Ihsanuddin, Sohail Khan, Hayat Ullah Khan, Abid Ahmad
Int. J. Biosci.19( 6), 158-162, December 2021.
Certificate: IJB 2021 [Generate Certificate]


The current research study was conducted under the annual technical research program 2020-21 of the goat production research station with the aim to compare the milk composition of local indigenous goat breeds with non-descriptive goat breed in district swat, Malakand division. A total 100 goat each from 3 indigenous goat breed named; Beetle, Kaghani, Teddy and non-descript goat were selected under completely randomized design from the progressive goat farmers for the study. Milk samples were collected in a 50ml vial in the morning and transported to the laboratory for further analysis. Milk samples were analysed through milk lactoscan in the laboratory of Goat Production Research Station Charbagh Swat. There were significant differences recorded in the milk components especially in milk fats. High milk fats contents were observed for Non-descriptive goat breed (5.04) as compared to the indigenous pure breed (3.4 – 4.5g/100g). The total solid was also found significant for non-descriptive (15.0g/100g) as compared to the descriptive goat breed (12.0g/100g). There was no significant difference reported for rest of the milk components among the pure breed vs non-descriptive breed. It was concluded from the study that non-descriptive goats produce less milk with high milk fats contents as compared to the pure goats breed. For shaperred who are consuming high fats milk for home can rear one or two goats with high milk fats contents instead of buffalo.


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