Comparison of mineral profile and fiber content of some Corchorus olitorius morphotypes for selecting promising varieties in Central Benin

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Research Paper 01/11/2019
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Comparison of mineral profile and fiber content of some Corchorus olitorius morphotypes for selecting promising varieties in Central Benin

Adjatin Arlette, Bonou-Gbo Zaki, Djengue Wilfrid, Ewedje Ebenezer, Yedomonhan Hounankpon, Dansi Alexandre, Amouzou Kou’Santa Sabiba
Int. J. Biosci.15( 5), 182-194, November 2019.
Certificate: IJB 2019 [Generate Certificate]


Corchorus olitorius is an important crop that can ensure food security in Sub-Saharan. In Benin, a lot of plant leaves are widely consumed as vegetables and contribute to the dietary requirements of local people as well as for local economy. The present study is conducted to highlight the mineral composition and fiber content of C. olitorius morphotypes consumed in Central Benin. Twelve accessions resulting from germplasm conserved at field collection at the experimental site were evaluated for their mineral composition and fiber content using standard methods. Results showed that all biochemical parameters evaluated varied significantly among accessions (p < 0.05). The morphotype Cor6 showed high values for fiber (15.19± 0.3 mg/100g), calcium (1340±11.55 mg/100g), magnesium (323.33 ±14.53 mg/100g), phosphorus (901± 62.084 mg/100g) and manganese (8.261±0.001 mg/kg) while the highest iron value were found in the leaves: 325.63± 0.001mg/kg and 302.63± 0.001mg/kg for Cor9 and Cor12 respectively. In short, the shiny leaves exhibited an appreciable amount of iron. Then, the morphotypes Cor2, Cor9, Cor10 and Cor12 producing shiny leaves may contribute to iron deficiencies alleviation through starchy and soup from C. olitorius for children, during the periods of weaning. Also, the morphotype Cor6 could serve as sources of variability in character for Corchorus germplasm improvement. Considering the important of fiber and iron in the diet, Cor6, Cor9 and Cor12 had high potentials for all parameters and may be used during breeding for Corchorus leafy vegetable. Consequently, biochemical traits could be considered as parameters for defining variability among crop plants.


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