Comparison of the new method in purification and decolorization of date juice with the commercial technique

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Research Paper 01/06/2015
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Comparison of the new method in purification and decolorization of date juice with the commercial technique

Samin Shafiee, Vahid Loghmani, Anousheh Sharifan, Mohammad Hojjatoleslami
J. Bio. Env. Sci.6( 6), 411-417, June 2015.
Certificate: JBES 2015 [Generate Certificate]


Research seems to be essential about lateral products of dates including date juice, due to its high rate of loss and inattention to the lateral products and relevant processes in the country. This study was done in order to achieve the best purification and decolorization conditions of date juice. After processing with saturated lime in the new method of purification and decolorization, the extracted date concentrate got the appropriate pH for colloids and then it obtained the optimum pH for formation of calcium phosphate by phosphoric acid. Also, Purosorb PAD 900 absorbing resin (made in England) was used for decolorization. Bentonite and gelatin were used for purification, and decolorization was done by active carbon in the commercial technique. Statistical analysis was done by SPSS 19 software. The results showed turbidity had reduced in liming-phosphatation and gelatin-bentonite for purification to 98% and 40%, respectively. Moreover, decolorization with absorbing resin caused decolorization of the colors with the wavelengths of 420 and 560 nanometers by 89% and 80%, respectively, while active carbon provided 30% and 78% of decolorization for the above wavelengths.


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