Comparison of the Quercus brantii and Pyrus glabra boiss species structure in Zagros forests (Case Study: Ghalehgol Forest, Khoramabad City, Iran)

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Research Paper 01/08/2013
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Comparison of the Quercus brantii and Pyrus glabra boiss species structure in Zagros forests (Case Study: Ghalehgol Forest, Khoramabad City, Iran)

P. Farhadi, J. Soosani, V. Alijani, K. Adeli
Int. J. Biosci.3( 8), 210-217, August 2013.
Certificate: IJB 2013 [Generate Certificate]


Understanding the condition of forest species and Knowledge of the evolution of ecosystems that have the ability auto regeneration, before any plan to take a principle in stand is necessary and can serve as a good model to select the correct methods of silviculture to be considered. In this research, furthermore introduce some of Structural indices, Quercus brantii and Pyrus glabra boiss structure in Khoram abad Ghale gol region (part of Zagros forests, Iran) were studied. In this study uniform angle (UAI), mingling (DMi), crown canopy dominance (TDi) and crown canopy differentiation (Tij) indices applied to investigate of positioning, mingling and crown canopy status among neighborhoods trees. In order to calculate of mentioned indices, Crancod (ver.1.3) Software used. The average values of Uniform angle, mingling, crown canopy dominance and crown canopy differentiation indices for Quercs brantii calculated, 0.47, 0.06, 0.51 and 0.48 respectively and 0.38, 0.86, 0.56 and 0.44 for Pyrus glabra boiss respectively. The result of mingling index clearly showed the difference between Quercus brantii and Pyrus glabra boiss species. Whereas the values of UAI, TDi and Tij were approximately the same for the studied species. The values of absolute discrepancy algorithm, which employed to quantify difference between Quercus brantii and Pyrus glabra boiss species spatial structures, were 10.8%, 85.4%, 25.2% and 22.1% for UAI, DMi, TDi and Tij respectively. These indices have a high ability in precisely demonstrate of differentiation of forest stand structure in succession stages and their applicability for comparing the studied stand with others, therefore they’re useful tools for sustainable management.


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