Comparison of two native and two foreign almond cultivars in fruit detachment percent

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Research Paper 01/06/2018
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Comparison of two native and two foreign almond cultivars in fruit detachment percent

Masoud Zabolestani
J. Bio. Env. Sci.12( 6), 51-56, June 2018.
Certificate: JBES 2018 [Generate Certificate]


Almond is one of the most important agricultural products in Iran. Its export transfers a considerable foreign currency to the country. In production of almond, Iran has in the third rank in the world after USA and Spain. To mechanize the harvest of almonds, it is important to know which varieties are suitable for mechanized harvesting, so for the first time this research was done. In order to comparison detachment percent of fruit and determine suitable cultivars for mechanized harvesting of Almond, a 4×4×4 factorial experiment were conducted base on complete randomized design in three replications. Four levels of shaking amplitude (10, 20, 30 and 40 mm) and four levels of frequency (10, 15, 20 and 25 Hz) were investigated with 4 almond cultivars (Shokufeh, Nonpareil, Azar, and Ferragnes,) in Sahand Horticultural Research Station of East Azarbijan. Trees were shacked by a mechanical trunk shaker. Analysis of variance and mean comparison showed that the effect of shaking amplitude and frequency on cultivars were significant in fruit detachment. It was found that the most effective detachment of fruit was happened at 40 mm amplitude and 20 Hz frequency. In addition, the results showed that the amount of fruit detachment increased at the higher amplitude and frequency levels. The results of this research also indicated that “Ferragnes” had maximum with 28.71% and “Shokufeh” had minimum fruit detachment with 15.62%, and the “Ferragnes”with 28.71%, “Nonpareil” with 26.8% and “Azar” with 26.71% were more suitable for mechanical harvesting than “Shokufeh”.


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