Comparison of yield and yield related traits of spring wheat varieties to various seed rates

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Research Paper 01/05/2018
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Comparison of yield and yield related traits of spring wheat varieties to various seed rates

Muhammad Aslam, Abdul Ghaffar Sagoo, Ejaz Ahmad Khan, Abdul Ghaffar, Niaz Hussain, Muhammad Irshad, Mudassar Khaliq, Muneer Abbas
Int. J. Biosci.12( 5), 50-62, May 2018.
Certificate: IJB 2018 [Generate Certificate]


A study was conducted to define the relationship between plant density and wheat grain yield to establish optimum seeding rates of different varieties for various regions.Five wheat varieties (Lasani-2008, Faisalabad-2008, BARS-2009, Millat-2011and Punjab-2011) were sown at five seed rates (60, 80, 100, 120 and 140 kg ha-1) in split plot design replicated four times. Data of various attributes were recorded which revealed that maximum tillers m-2 (380.35), leaf area index (5.14), grains spike-1 (72.9), 1000-grain weight (46.19 g), biological yield (10299kg ha-1), grain yield (4222.7 kg ha-1), net income (Rs. 70017), benefit cost ratio-BCR (1.80) and minimum rate of return-MRR % (180.4) were observed for the treatment Punjab-2011. The seeding rate of 120 kg ha-1 gave maximum tillers m-2(372.25), grains spike-1(69.75), leaf area index (5.06), 1000-grain weight (46.25 g), biological yield (10604 kg ha-1), grain yield (4423 kg ha-1), , net income (Rs. 76542), BCR (1.88%) and MRR % (187.93). The interactive effect ofPunjab-2011 sown at seed rate of 120 kg ha-1 exhibited maximum tillers m-2(423.30), leaf area index (5.82), grains spike-1 (77.05), 1000-grain weight (48.28 g), biological yield (11554 kg ha-1), grain yield (4876.5 kg ha-1), net income (Rs. 92217), BCR (2.06) and MRR % (205.93) suggesting that Punjab-2011 is the best variety and optimum seed rate of 120 kg ha-1 in arid agro climate of thal zone.

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