Competitive dynamic effects of wheat- Brassica intercropping: A review

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Competitive dynamic effects of wheat- Brassica intercropping: A review

Shahbaz Atta Tung, Muhammad Rafique Shahzad, Muhammad Ashfaq Wahid, Guozheng Yang, Muhammad Farrukh Saleem, Adnan Noor Shah, Aziz Khan, Omar Aziz
Int. J. Biosci.8( 2), 159-176, February 2016.
Certificate: IJB 2016 [Generate Certificate]


Intercropping depicts the growing of two or more crops at the same time in the same piece of land. Moreover it enhances the crop production per unit area and time with efficient use of resources especially for small land holders. Sowing time of oilseed crops belongs to Brassica species coincides with the wheat so these can be intercropped in wheat to get maximum land utilization. Various oilseeds like canola and lentil intercropped in wheat affects the yield and yield components, growth attributes, competitive indices as well as yield advantages. Farmers are reluctant to sacrifice wheat crop but intercropping oilseeds with wheat can be proved beneficial in terms of land equivalent ratio, aggressivity value, and yield advantages. Various intercropping types can be adopted to enhance net income of farm land. However, this review overviews the different aspects of intercropping as it may inhibit or enhances total productivity of the land as well as the key examples from the literature that favors its importance in agriculture.


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