Complying management strategies in tourism lands (Case study: Abbas Abad National park, Behshahr)

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Complying management strategies in tourism lands (Case study: Abbas Abad National park, Behshahr)

Abbas Najafi, Saeed Karimi, Hamidreza Jafari, Zahra Yazdi
J. Bio. Env. Sci.10( 5), 106-120, May 2017.
Certificate: JBES 2017 [Generate Certificate]


Today, tourism is one of the world’s main source of income. Appropriate strategies should be used to improve this industry. In this study, strategy management was examined for considering the Abbas Abad forest park which is one of the most important areas of tourism in Iran. This area due to natural values have the opportunities for tourism industry and need for appropriate strategies to identify the strengths and weaknesses of the region so as to improve the tourism offering programs. In order to identify the strengths and weaknesses of this strategy with a number of informed experts and specialists of relevant government departments were interviewed. Using SWOT to cross these factors together and appropriate strategies was determined to manage the complex. Sum score of internal factors evaluation matrix (IFE) were 0.154 and of external factors evaluation matrix (EFE) were -0.041 based on calculation with Arabic method from which a competitive strategy (ST) is obtained for Abbas Abad national park based SWOT diagram. Five strategies including ST1 (calculating the carrying capacity), ST2 (holding training courses to improve the environmental culture of visitors), ST3 (conducting programs for empowering local communities towards participation of individuals in region management), ST4 (protecting and repairing historical monuments of the region), and ST5 (increasing facilities and services fitting the region to increase visitors’ welfare in different days of the year), and they are fed into quantitative strategic planning matrix (QSPM). ST1 gained the highest score based on calculations and it was recommended that strategy ST1 is considered the main strategy for the region and ST5 which is in the second place is entered the management plan of the region if everything is progressing well..  It is recommended that carrying capacity of the region should be calculated in future works and public potentials in the region should be identified and local and native people should be used for managing the region by presenting train courses about natural and historical characteristics of the region and strengthening rural cooperative.


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