Composition analysis and nutritional impact of spontaneous food plants consumed in Daloa, region of Haut-Sassandra, Côte d’Ivoire: case of Beilschimieda mannii (Lauraceae) (Meisn.)

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Composition analysis and nutritional impact of spontaneous food plants consumed in Daloa, region of Haut-Sassandra, Côte d’Ivoire: case of Beilschimieda mannii (Lauraceae) (Meisn.)

Dally Théodor, Diby Yao Bernard, Kahou Bi Gohi Parfait, Meite Alassane, Katti-Coulibaly Séraphin
Int. J. Biosci.15( 1), 169-175, July 2019.
Certificate: IJB 2019 [Generate Certificate]


Malnutrition and micronutriment deficiences associated to emerging chronically diseases are serious public health in Côte d’Ivoire. The main roots are civilisation impact, and poor knowledge on traditional food consumed formulate by spontaneous food plants that for a long time flee the food base of our rural peoples. Examination of the fuctional properties of seed of  Beilschimieda mannii were determined by proximate analysis AOAC. This study show that this plant is very rich in protein 32,58±0,11% and can provide energy-proteino diseases. Fiber is 13,54±1,70%. Carbohydrate contents are high with 87,54±1,70%. Compares to many foods rich in carbohydrates such as starchy foods from our typical diets. However, the lipid content is low with 13.5% which is interesting in order to avoid diseases related to the negative impact of oils on the proper functioning of the body such as hypertension due to the deposit of cholesterol in the blood vessels. With a Ph of 6.2 this food product is basic and helps to prevent aggression of the lining of the digestive system. In addition, this product is packed with many of the essential minerals cofactors of macromolecules such as proteins, carbohydrates and lipids. Calcium with 15, 76%, necessary for calcification of the skeleton bones, zinc with 5, 73%, iron 9, 20% and magnesium 8, 55%. A,ll of these minerals are important for the proper functioning of the human body. All these results suggest a recommendation of this product in order to effectively contribute to the nutritional disorder observed in our Ivorian communities.

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