Composition and structure of mangrove community on sapling and seedling levels in Coastal of Dolulolong, Lembata, Indonesia

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Research Paper 01/10/2019
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Composition and structure of mangrove community on sapling and seedling levels in Coastal of Dolulolong, Lembata, Indonesia

Daniel Fredrik, Priyo Santoso, Aludin Al Ayubi
Int. J. Biosci.15( 4), 153-160, October 2019.
Certificate: IJB 2019 [Generate Certificate]


The study about condition of the composition and structure of the mangrove community is important to planning its sustainable management. The study was conducted to know condition of the composition and structure of the mangrove community at sapling and seedling level in the coastal of Dolulolong, Lembata, Indonesia was conducted. This study was used the line transect method, and the data obtained were analyzed using descriptive analysis. The results obtained in this study found mangrove species in Dolulolong consisted of five species of mangroves namely Rhizophora mucronata, Rhizophora stylosa, Brugiera gymnorhitza, Ceriops tagal and Osbornia octodanta. Furthermore, the condition of mangrove community, both sapling and seedling level as seen from the value of species density (Di): 87-137 ind/ha and 311-511 ind/ha, relative density of species (RDi): 28-87% and 31-91%, relative frequency of species (RFi): 14.29-26.53% and 19.44-36.11%, closure of species (Ci) 2-41 m²/ha and 5-24 m²/ha, relative closure of species (RCi): 26-81% and 52-83%, importance value index (IVI): 121-277 and 62-121. Condition of the composition and structure of the mangrove community in Dolulolong depends on low categories related to conditions of habitat, composition and structure of the mangrove community in this region that provide solutions or changes in conditions.


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