Composition of milk- A comparative analysis between indigenous and cross breed cows of Ganjam

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Research Paper 01/07/2020
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Composition of milk- A comparative analysis between indigenous and cross breed cows of Ganjam

Puspanjali Maharana, Gitanjali Mishra
Int. J. Biosci.17( 1), 216-215, July 2020.
Certificate: IJB 2020 [Generate Certificate]


The study was carried out in Berhampur city of Ganjam District from 03.10.2018 to 02.12.2018 to estimate the composition of milk in Cross breed and Indigenous breed cows. Twenty dairy cows with a standard body weight between 250 kg to 350 kg, 3rd to 7th lactation period and 5-7 years of age were taken for the study. Total Protein was determined by Nano spectrophotometer, Total Carbohydrates were determined by anthrone techniques, Acidity were determined by IS: 1479-1 (1960) and total casein was determined by Acid precipitation. Concerning the milk components, Cross Breed groups shows a significant variation (P< 0.05) attributed to type of feed and breed. The statistical analysis showed a significant increase (P<0.05) in protein, ASH and SNF percentage as compare to Indigenous breed. Total solid and Moisture of IB and CB groups has Non-significant increase (P< 0.5) in Cross Breed as compare to Indigenous breed. Fat content shows a Non-significant increase (P< 0.5) in cross breed cows than the Indigenous breed cows. Acidity% found highly significant (P<0.0001) in both breed of cows. Lactose content found a Non-significant increase in indigenous breed cows as compare to the cross breed cows (P<0.5). Lactometer reading shows significant increase (P<0.01) in Cross breed group of cows as compare to Indigenous breed cows. Specific Gravity found a Non-significant increase (P<0.1) in cross breed cows. Total Casein content found highly significant in cross breed cows (P<0.001).


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