Conservation beliefs and practices of indigenous people in Northwestern Cagayan, Philippines: implications for environmental promotion and education

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Research Paper 01/06/2018
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Conservation beliefs and practices of indigenous people in Northwestern Cagayan, Philippines: implications for environmental promotion and education

Gilbert C, Magulod Jr
J. Bio. Env. Sci.12( 6), 186-194, June 2018.
Certificate: JBES 2018 [Generate Certificate]


This study investigated how the indigenous people of North-western, Cagayan, Philippines conserve and utilize natural resources in their communities. The study employed ethnographic qualitative and descriptive survey research designs to the twenty-four informants purposively selected in the three Agay-communities. The research techniques used were a structured interview, participant observation and focus group discussion to support the process of data gathering. Findings revealed that majority of the informants are male, with the age bracket of 21 to 30 years old, and did not attend formal schooling. Their economic survival activities are dependent on natural resources in their communities. Further, it was revealed that the indigenous people have their own framework of conservation beliefs and practices along forest and wildlife resources, water resources, plants and trees, and on their land farming practices which are reflective of their indigenous knowledge and belief system. Furthermore, the indigenous people worldview considers the conservation and protection of natural resources such as plants, animals, forest and water which are part of Mother Earth where human beings are the stewards and trustee of the land and other natural resources and they have the responsibility for its preservation. Their process of utilizing and conserving these natural resources is a manifestation that they have an eco-friendly indigenous belief system. Hence, recognizing and understanding their role in environmental conservation and protection can be a converging point for environmental adaptation and promotion and at the same time incorporation in education curriculum to foster acceptance and consciousness of the younger generations on indigenous ecological knowledge.


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