Construction health and safety model towards adoption

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Research Paper 25/08/2022
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Construction health and safety model towards adoption


This study aimed to assess the safety and health of contractors in Zamboanga Del Norte, Philip-pines, in terms of workforce, workplace, and work implements. It also aimed to evaluate compliance with occupational health and safety standards regarding occupational safety and health training, a health and safety plan, civil works activities, and heavy equipment operations. It combined quantitative research with a self-created questionnaire that explains and forecasts concepts that can be applied to other people and locations and objectively measures the variable(s) of interest, selected, constructed, and standardized with validity and reliability in mind. The findings revealed that respondents only partially adhered to construction safety and health in personnel, workplace, and work equipment. Occupational health and safety criteria were partially met in occupational safety and health training, health and safety plans, civil works activities, and heavy equipment operations. The Level of Compliance for construction safety and health was also partially met. As a result, it is advised that construction companies will adopt the revised construction safety model.


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