Consumer demand analysis of Ytawes Districts dairy market: A review

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Review Paper 09/07/2023
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Consumer demand analysis of Ytawes Districts dairy market: A review

Lim Diana O, Nardo Monaliza R, Tagudan Florante M.
Int. J. Biosci.23( 1), 109-114, July 2023.
Certificate: IJB 2023 [Generate Certificate]


A lookback on consumers’ demand on milk products is vital for CSU-Piat’s dairy center’s business operation. The conduct of this research aimed to review the consumer demand in the Ytawes district’s dairy market. This study utilized the descriptive research method using interview in collecting the required data and frequency count and percentages in analyzing the collected data. The respondents of the study were the household in the five municipalities of Ytawes District. From the findings of the study, the researchers conclude that Ytawes district has a high demand for dairy products. Consumers prefers to purchase and consume milk powders on a daily basis but also get the chance to buy and consume other dairy product lines which are locally-produced and normally sold at grocery/convenience stores. To mention, most of the milk consumers in every household are children. Moreover, consumers’ purchasing behavior are generally affected by factors like price, taste, product safety and health benefits. While most of the consumers are not advised by health professionals to consume dairy products, their willingness to purchase and consume is evidenced by their average monthly purchases and current consumption patterns. Also, when compared to other advertisement media, the internet is the main source of dairy product awareness. Further, the researcher recommends that a consumer-demand analysis or review should be regularly conducted to keep track of the consumers’ demand on dairy products and CSU-Piat’s dairy center may opt to display its products in grocery/convenience stores to make it accessible to consumers and can make use of the internet for demand creation.

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