Containerized soil-less vegetable seedlings production techniques and profitability for Bangladesh

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Research Paper 01/10/2020
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Containerized soil-less vegetable seedlings production techniques and profitability for Bangladesh

Prosanta K. Dash, Shimul Das, Joyanti Ray, Sangeeta Mukherjee
Int. J. Biosci.17( 4), 144-153, October 2020.
Certificate: IJB 2020 [Generate Certificate]


Owing to less quality and environmental limitations of traditionally cultivated mud-bed seedlings the present research aimed at identifying a suitable containerized vegetable seedling production system pertinent to Bangladesh and to assess the profitability of using containerized seedlings relative to traditional mud-bed seedlings. The experiments were conducted at Professor Purnendu Gain field laboratory of the Agrotechnology Discipline, Khulna University, Bangladesh from December 1, 2019, to March 15, 2020, using a completely randomized design (CRD) with five replications. The experiment consisted of tomato, eggplant, sweet gourd, cauliflower vegetables maintain various growing media viz. mud-bed (control), plastic cell tray, plastic cup (large), plastic cup (small). The plastic cell tray seedling production system had the plant growth significantly overweighing the mud-bed system. The cost-saving plus higher price of quality plastic cell tray vegetable seedlings contributed to net profitability of 66000 BDT (tomato), 86000 BDT (eggplant), 51000 BDT (sweet gourd), and 71000 BDT (cauliflower) for 50000 seedlings, respectively. Among the four vegetable plastic cell tray seedling production systems, the cost-effectiveness was higher with the eggplant seedlings production system. Thus, the plastic cell tray with coco-dust vegetable seedlings production system performed better than traditional mud-bed seedlings in Bangladesh that would confirm more profits with less sessional limitations.


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