Contamination of rice marketed in Benin by aflatoxin and aflatoxinogenic moulds

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Research Paper 01/12/2019
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Contamination of rice marketed in Benin by aflatoxin and aflatoxinogenic moulds

Yann C.S. Adjovi, Hilarion U. Ahehehinnou, Raoul Koulony, Jonathan Dadavodou, Latifou Lagnika
Int. J. Biosci.15( 6), 210-217, December 2019.
Certificate: IJB 2019 [Generate Certificate]


Contamination of food with aflatoxins, a carcinogenic substance secreted by moulds of the genus Aspergillus section Flavi, is a major public health concern, particularly in tropical countries.  In Benin, rice (Oryza spp. L.) is one of the most widely consumed food crops. However, poor storage conditions predispose it to fungal invasion.  Aspergillus spp. are common contaminants in rice stored in tropical regions. Their presence could, under certain conditions, lead to the production of aflatoxins.   This study focuses on the occurrence of moulds and aflatoxins in local and imported rice in Benin. According to mycological analyses, carried out by morphological characterization, all local rice samples and 47.27% of imported rice samples are contaminated by moulds with a low level of contamination ranging from 9 cfu/g to 2.52 102ufc/g. The species of the genus Aspergillus spp. are mainly represented with 23.63% of Flavi section and 12.27% of nigri section. The presence of aflatoxins was evaluated in rice after extraction and purification on an immuno-affinity column by HPLC coupled with a fluorescent detector (detection limit: 0.15µg/kg (AFB1 and AFG1) and 0.13µg/kg (AFB2 and AFG2)). After analysis, only one sample of rice contaminated with aflatoxins. This work shows that rice marketed in Benin is highly contaminated with fungal spores, mainly those of Aspergillus section Flavi, which produce aflatoxins, but is not very susceptible to aflatoxins.

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