Contribution of Bentonit to obtain a heavy metals (Cr III and Zn II) tolerant for saltbush plants (Atriplex halimus L.)

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Research Paper 01/02/2018
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Contribution of Bentonit to obtain a heavy metals (Cr III and Zn II) tolerant for saltbush plants (Atriplex halimus L.)

Hamel Abdelkader, Lotmani Brahim, Bakhti Abdalah
J. Bio. Env. Sci.12( 2), 237-252, February 2018.
Certificate: JBES 2018 [Generate Certificate]


This present study puts in evidence the incidences of heavy metals (Zn (II) and Cr (III)) and their concentrations on the potentialities of growths of Saltbush plants Atriplex halimus. L and its capacities of tolerance and accumulation of these deferent metals cultivated on two substrate: sand and sand+ bentonit. One carried out one first place a characterization of a bentonit of layer by various physicochemical analyses (diffraction of x-rays, spectroscopy will infrared.), which showed that the bentonit sample used is made up primarily of montmorillonites. Then the study was carried out according to an experimental device in blocks, led in hydroponic culture under optimal conditions, we studied the effect of three concentrations (0, 250 and 500mg/l) of two metals chromium and zinc on some parameters of growth and development of this species cultivated on two substrates, one amended out of bentonit and the other on inert sand. The management of metals in plants is a complex phenomenon that depends mainly on the plant species and the metal. Because of the multitude of organic molecules involved in this process, and their roles that is not always clearly established. In our study different behavior both zinc and chromium metals were found, the implication of the physicochemical properties of substrate ” Bentonite ” strongly influenced on the growth of Atriplex halimus and fixation rate increase.

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