Contribution to the red list of plants of Pakistan: A Review

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Contribution to the red list of plants of Pakistan: A Review

Rabia Shabbir, Asma Jabeen
J. Bio. Env. Sci.2( 8), 14-25, August 2012.
Certificate: JBES 2012 [Generate Certificate]


Pakistan is blessed with a variety of plants that are being used for multiple purposes. The properties and proper uses of a small friction of these plants are known at community level and end users but many have still to be explored for their values. Due to population explosion, poverty and ignorance, the comparatively richer cover of the herbaceous flora has vanished from about 60% of their habitats. The total flora of Pakistan which is threatened is more than 15% which includes many endemic species. These plants need to be preserved before they disappear because of excessive commercial harvest and local uses. Different efforts are required for the proper documentation of plants including the identification of endangered, endemic and threatened flora of the country which collectively forms the Red List. It would further help to properly train local people, to reduce the anthropogenic pressure and to point out different methods for the conservation of endangered flora.


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