Coppicing as a tool for improved growth and yield of shrub and tree crops

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Coppicing as a tool for improved growth and yield of shrub and tree crops

Christian C. Obiazi, Albert U. Ofuoku
Int. J. Biosci.17( 5), 57-65, November 2020.
Certificate: IJB 2020 [Generate Certificate]


Aged shrubs and trees usually have poor branching structure, a decline in yield and possess weak health status to the extent that they need replacement after some time. Starting afresh with seedlings creates a void in the farmer’s cultivation process, a significant decline in crop yield and a drop in income because it takes a long time for seedlings to establish, develop and become mature enough to yield the desired product(s). Some plants have a great ability to regrow after severe cutting. Coppicing makes such plants to renew their juvenile state; this extends the life of the plants by many years. Coppicing has been used in some plants to mitigate these types of aging problems. The objective of this paper is to identify the possibilities of shortening the time gap in reviving low yielding good old shrubs and trees as well as enhancing their performance through coppicing. Coppicing of the very tall trees will result in new plants that will be short and may even be harvested without the aid of a harvesting stick in the first few years. Seeing trees in appropriate locations, bearing plenty of fruits with exceptionally good qualities for eating and processing dying gradually because of old age is a loss; coppicing can bring such plants back to youthful vigor and apt productivity. Because the coppiced tree has an established root system, the new growth is particularly vigorous. Coppicing should be part of the useful tools in the management of plantation trees and shrubs for enhanced output.


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