Correlation between different cancers with age, sex, physiological, clinical and nutritional status in Bangladeshi adults

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Research Paper 01/08/2012
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Correlation between different cancers with age, sex, physiological, clinical and nutritional status in Bangladeshi adults

Md. Monirujjaman, Samiur Rahman1, Tarek Golam Mustafa, S. M. Nayeemul Bari, Kazi Saiful Islam, Sadia Afrin, Md. Riajul Hossain
Int. J. Biosci.2( 8), 76-82, August 2012.
Certificate: IJB 2012 [Generate Certificate]


Cancer is one of the leading causes of death all over the world including Bangladesh. Cancer incidence is dependent on different factors like age, sex, physiology, many other diseases and nutritional status. In this study, total 105 cancer patients aged between 20 and 79 were diagnosed; among them 41 patients were male and 64 were female. All of them were diagnosed with either primary or secondary cancer. Histology and use of radioactive molecules confirmed the presence and type of cancer in the patients. Among them those who were diagnosed with coexistence of diabetes or hypertension were more affected with cancer. We also observed that cancer risk was associated with smoking and nutritional status in Bangladeshi patients. These findings indicate that these are correlated with cancers in the Bangladeshi adults. More study will be required to repeat the findings and establish the trend regarding correlation found.


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