Correlation of environmental variables on canker disease development in commercial citrus cultivars of Pakistan

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Research Paper 01/07/2015
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Correlation of environmental variables on canker disease development in commercial citrus cultivars of Pakistan

Muhammad Imran, Muhammad Mustafa, Muhammad Azeem, Muhammad Awais, M. Aslam khan
Int. J. Biosci.7( 1), 1-13, July 2015.
Certificate: IJB 2015 [Generate Certificate]


Citrus canker is an extremely costly disease causing worldwide loss of millions of dollars. The onset and development of disease depends upon the favorable environmental conditions. In the present study the crucial environmental variables were correlated. The method provides the ability to examine the evolution of an epidemic in both space and time simultaneously and led to the symptom development. So, study was conducted in research area of Department of Plant Pathology 2008-09. Fifteen commercial citrus varieties were screened against canker disease to find out degree of resistance. Jaffa, pine apple, kinnow, mungal singh, tangerine, succari were found moderately resistant. Five varieties such as chinese lime, musambi, grapefruit, blood red and mayer lime were highly susceptible to canker disease. The susceptible varieties were feutral’s early, sweet lime, malta and valentia late showed moderately susceptible response against the canker disease. The disease responses of these citrus varieties were correlated with environmental factors (Air temperature (maximum and minimum), relative humidity (%) and wind velocity (km/hr). Air temperature (maximum and minimum), relative humidity and wind velocity had significant correlations with citrus canker disease development. Rainfall also had significant correlations with citrus canker disease development. Disease started increasing in July and reached maximum incidence in August to October. The current understanding of pathogen and correlation of epidemiological factors help in developing comprehensive management practices to reduce fruit losses.


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