Corynandra chelidonii var. pallai (Reddy and Raju) V.S. Raju (Cleomaceae) – An Addition to the Flora of Rajasthan, India

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Research Paper 04/09/2023
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Corynandra chelidonii var. pallai (Reddy and Raju) V.S. Raju (Cleomaceae) – An Addition to the Flora of Rajasthan, India

Anoop Kumar, Yogita Solanki, Sunil Kumar Sharma, Naveen Kumar
Int. J. Biosci.23( 3), 69-74, September 2023.
Certificate: IJB 2023 [Generate Certificate]


The plant Corynandra chelidonii var. pallai (Reddy and Raju) V.S. Raju belongs to the family Cleomaceae. During the botanical exploration of Pratapgarh District, we discovered a new variety of Corynandra chelidonii, i.e., var. pallai, which is unrecorded for the state’s flora. Previously, the plant was only reported from Andhra Pradesh and Maharashtra state of India. This paper envisages a brief citation, description, distributional notes, flowering and fruiting time followed by ecological notes, artificial key, and photo plate of the species.


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