Crop residue management in rice-wheat system of Pakistan and its impact on yield and nutrient uptake

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Crop residue management in rice-wheat system of Pakistan and its impact on yield and nutrient uptake

Ijaz Ali, Ghulam Nabi, Shahid Maqsood Gill, Muhammad Mahmood-ul-Hassan, Imtiaz Hussain
Int. J. Biosci.14( 3), 221-236, March 2019.
Certificate: IJB 2019 [Generate Certificate]


Heavy tillage in rice-wheat (RW) system has been resulting in deterioration of soil structure consequently reducing farm productivity. In situ burning of crop residue after combine harvesting further aggravates the problems. Hence, wise crop residue management practices (CRMPs) can be a better option for sustainable productivity in the RW system. Different CRMPs (residue removal (RR); residue burning (RB), residue incorporation (RI) and zero-tillage (ZT)) were investigated for four cropping seasons under field conditions in RW area at two farmers’ fields. Rice paddy (12%) and straw (4%) yields and wheat grain (17%) and straw (3%) yields were generally higher at Ratta Ber Farm than Shahbaz Farm. Among various CRMPs, RI produced significantly higher paddy and straw yields of rice and grain and straw yields of wheat. Nitrogen (N), phosphorus (P) and potassium (K) uptake in rice as well as in wheat was significantly higher with RI as compared to other CRMPs. N, P and K uptake in wheat was 15, 11 and 11% higher, at Ratta Ber Farm as compared to Shahbaz Farm, respectively. Soil NO3-N and P2O5 contents were significantly higher with RI followed by ZT as compared to RR and RB at both sites. Soil K2O contents were significantly higher with RB, RI and ZT as compared to RR at both sites. The results revealed that there was improvement in soil nutrients by crop residue incorporation as well as zero-tillage at both sites, however crop productivity improved only by crop residue incorporation.


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