Customers satisfaction of Ytawes fresh milk production

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Research Paper 05/12/2022
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Customers satisfaction of Ytawes fresh milk production

Jocelyn D. Tuliao, Mark Lester B. Liquigan, Vicenta B. Maguddayao, Clifford T. Padilla, Alan P. Taguiam
Int. J. Biosci.21( 6), 182-196, December 2022.
Certificate: IJB 2022 [Generate Certificate]


The study marks the consumer satisfaction of dairy milk and aims to study the consumers’ satisfaction towards dairy products of CSU Piat. The study was administered to 50 respondents which have been selected through purposive sampling method. It involved consumers of dairy products from various demographic variables like sex, age, occupation, educational attainment, marital status and socio-economic status among respondents across Itawes District of Cagayan. The questionnaire focused on customer satisfaction in terms of product, service, product price, and customers’ problem-solving capability. An open-ended question was used for the customers’ suggestions and recommendations. Statistical techniques like frequency count and percentage, mean, analysis of variance and t-test were applied. Findings showed a satisfying result along product, service, price and customers’ problem-solving capability and rated as very satisfied level of satisfaction. The study concluded that, the good quality of product, services rendered, affordable price, excellent problem-solving capability showed a positive effect in determining customers’ satisfaction.


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