Damage assessment of the pea blue butterfly Lampides boeticus L. (Lepidoptera: Lycaenidae) on cowpea (Vignaung uiculata)

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Research Paper 01/11/2017
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Damage assessment of the pea blue butterfly Lampides boeticus L. (Lepidoptera: Lycaenidae) on cowpea (Vignaung uiculata)

Nauman H. AL-Janabi, Hameed H. Al-Karboli
J. Bio. Env. Sci.11( 5), 268-273, November 2017.
Certificate: JBES 2017 [Generate Certificate]


This study was carried out at the fields of the college of Agriculture, university of Baghdad (Al-Jadriya) and Al-Musayyib (Babylon governorate) to study the nature and amount of the damage caused by the pea blue butterfly, Lampides boeticus L. on cowpea yield for spring and summer seasons 2016. Results showed that larvae feed on each of the floral buds, flowers, and bods of cowpea plants causing them losses in the quality and quantity of crop yield. Infestation started in June when adult females laying their eggs on these parts, Infestation rates were 24 and 22.6% in Al-Jadriya and Al-Musayyib respectively. Then Infestation rates decreased to 18.66 and 17.80% during August for the tow location above. The highest Infestation rates of 34.66 and 33.33% have occurred during October. Mean Infestation rate rates on floral buds were 26.66 and 24.64 % and 27.53,25.59 % for Al-Jadriya and Al-Musayyib respectively. Percentage of loss in pods weight were (21.40- 30.51)% at Al-Musayyib and (15.36-31.38) % at Al-Jadriya during the season thus mean reduction rates in cowpea pod weight, length and seeds/pod were 25.95, 30.45 and 30.75 % respectively.

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