Design and construction of remote-controlled fluorescent lamp and its effectiveness to classroom and offices

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Research Paper 11/06/2023
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Design and construction of remote-controlled fluorescent lamp and its effectiveness to classroom and offices

Domingo B. Dela Vega Jr.
J. Bio. Env. Sci.22( 6), 115-121, June 2023.
Certificate: JBES 2023 [Generate Certificate]


This study focused on recycling and prolonging the lifespan of most fluorescent tubes produced by commercial products. The gadget can help lessen the expenditures of the school in purchasing fluorescent bulbs installed mostly on its buildings and offices. In addition, the gadget contributes to a healthy environment by minimizing the waste of busted fluorescent tubes, which these tubes contain mercury vapor. It should be properly disposed of, or if not, once it is broken and exposed to the air, mercury content could threaten one’s health by inhaling and later creates complications to our respiratory system. The study employed a descriptive-experimental design to test the efficiency of the gadget in terms of the time and the number of blinks before a fluorescent lamp lights up and its effectiveness on the load capacity it can handle. Comparing it to commercial fluorescent, the gadget is faster in terms of lighting up a fluorescent lamp. The study revealed that the gadget can efficiently and effectively lights-up and prolongs the lifespan of most waste of commercial fluorescent. It is because of the immediate response of the remote-controlled receiver as it receives an infrared pulse from a remote controller. Also, the efficiency of the electronic boost starter is used to maintain the illumination and stop the fluorescent tube flickers many times before it lights up normally. This can answer the problem of recycling and minimizing the waste of fluorescent bulbs and helps one’s expenditures on lighting fixtures.

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