Design and performance evaluation of a double-bladed Archimedean screw turbine for low-head hydropower generation

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Research Paper 03/10/2024
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Design and performance evaluation of a double-bladed Archimedean screw turbine for low-head hydropower generation

Dianne Mae M. Asiñero, Antonio-Abdu Sami M. Magomnang, Joel L. Asiñero
J. Bio. Env. Sci.25( 4), 1-11, October 2024.
Certificate: JBES 2024 [Generate Certificate]


Archimedean screw turbines are a type of low-head hydroelectric turbine that can provide a simple and economical option for small-scale hydropower generation. This study focuses on the design and performance evaluation of a double-bladed Archimedean Screw Turbine (AST) for low-head hydropower generation in rural environments, specifically in irrigation canals for agricultural lands. The twin-bladed AST is designed to harness hydrokinetic energy from low head levels and flow rates of water, fabricated using Polyvinyl Chloride (PVC). The turbine was tested in irrigation canal in Misamis Oriental, Philippines, with an average inlet water level of 0.377 m and an inclination angle of 13°. A contracted rectangular weir was designed to regulate water flow and optimize the turbine’s performance. The study analyzed the relationships between total water flow, rotational speed, torque, mechanical power, and turbine efficiency. The performance analysis showed that the double-bladed AST performed well, particularly at high inlet water levels enabled by the weir. The simulated and actual results demonstrated a maximum rotational speed of 240 rpm and efficiencies of approximately 19.85% and 19.69% at a total flow of 18 L/s, with a corresponding hydropower of 48.71 Watts. The fabricated AST successfully powered two 12V-6W DC LED light bulbs, demonstrating its potential for small-scale rural electrification. This study highlights the potential of the double-bladed AST as a cost-effective solution for low-head hydropower generation in rural areas, providing electricity for lighting and other basic needs in communities with limited access to power sources.


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