Detection and Identification of multiresidual Pesticides in Water of Hudiara Drain and Its Adjoining Areas

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Research Paper 01/11/2021
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Detection and Identification of multiresidual Pesticides in Water of Hudiara Drain and Its Adjoining Areas

Zahra Asghar, Saima Atif, Dr Numrah Nisar, Prof. Dr Tahira Aziz Mughal
Int. J. Biosci.19( 5), 137-147, November 2021.
Certificate: IJB 2021 [Generate Certificate]


Pesticides play a vital role in green revolution by boosting the quality and quantity crops. The present study was designed for the detection and identification of multiresidual pesticides in water. The sources of environmental water samples were surface water and drinking water taken from the adjoining areas of Hudiara drain. An analytical method was produced and optimized for the detection and quantification of selected OPPs based on solid-phase extraction and high-performance liquid chromatography, coupled with a diode array detector (SPE–HPLC–DAD). The chromatographic separation was done using C18 column. Different organophosphorus pesticides (OPPs) were determined having specific peak areas, peak numbers, and their retention times along with their chemical structures. Each subsequent pesticide shows a unique behavior in three different solvents i.e., methanol, ethanol and acetonitrile in the water samples for the optimization of micro-pesticides in drinking water. The presence of large amount of pesticides in the sampling areas is due to the manufacturing industry for pesticides and agriculture farms in the adjoining areas. The measures should be taken for monitoring and controlling the use of pesticides according to permissible limits.


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