Detection of bovine tuberculosis in cow carcasses in Baghdad

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Research Paper 01/08/2019
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Detection of bovine tuberculosis in cow carcasses in Baghdad

Maysoon S. Abbas, Amina N. AL-Thwaini, Ayed M. AL-Dilimi
Int. J. Biosci.15( 2), 348-354, August 2019.
Certificate: IJB 2019 [Generate Certificate]


Bovine Tuberculosis is a contagious disease ,both animals and humans are highly susceptible to infection, infected animal act as source for infected farmers, veterinarians, slaughterhouse workers, butchers   so the importance of our study is to stand on the extent of tuberculosis infection in cow carcasses in three abattoris of Baghdad (Al-shula,Al-karkh and Al-dura.), Thousands carcasses were examined, six hundreds and fourty two samples of lymph nodes and organs were collected from (128) carcasses these involved (10) retropharyngeal lymphnode, (8) portal lymph nodes,(110)mesenteric lymph node(85)spleen samples, (4) supramammary lymph node, and (4)uterus samples, the samples were transported to laboratory for bacteriological culturing The were processed for isolation of mycobacteria following standard procedures for homogenization, suspension, centrifugation and decontamination with 4 % of NaOH and were inoculated on Lowenstein-Jensen (L-J) media with and without pyruvate and incubated at 37ºC incubator for culture for a maximum up to 8 wk. after growth appear direct microscopic examination  and biochemical test for mycobacteria (growth on mac-conckey without crystal violet ,urease test, catalas test,nitrate reduction,(thiophen2 carboxylic acid hydroxide(TCH),sensitivity to antimycobacterial drug ethambutol (EMB), Isonicotinic hydrazide (INH), Streptomycin(SM), Rimfampicin (RMP), Para-aminosalicylic acid(PAS). the results indicated that the percentage of infection( 2.8% and0.6%)in Al-shula and Al-karkh abattoirs respectively while AL-dura abattoir was found (0%)and  (8.1%) of lymphnode ,(17.6%)of lung,(3.8%)of livers,(3.5%)of spleen and (25%) for each supramammary lymph node and uterus infected with bovine tuberculosis twenty bacterial isolated belonged to mycobacterium were isolated from carcasses,(17) of them were Mycobacterium bovis.this is the first study in  isolation of Mycobacterium bovis from cow carcasses in Iraq.


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