Detection, quantification and decontamination of pesticide residues in dry fish

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Research Paper 01/06/2017
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Detection, quantification and decontamination of pesticide residues in dry fish

Afroza Begum, Md. Sultan Ahmed, Syed Nurul Alam
Int. J. Biosci.10( 6), 246-252, June 2017.
Certificate: IJB 2017 [Generate Certificate]


This study was taken on to detect, quantify and decontamination of the residue of organochlorine pesticides in ten popular dry fish samples collected from different regions of Bangladesh. Out of 60 dry fish, thirty (30) percent dry fish were contaminated with endrin (0.05-0.18ppm), heptachlor epoxide-0.07ppm and endrin ketone-0.09ppm. Among those, fifteen percent samples were in above MRL (above 0.1ppm). Most of the sample of Loitta and Kanchki from Bogra were contaminated. Churi, Chingri, Hangor and Chanda collected from different location contained no detectable organochlorine residue. However, these detected organochlorine residues were considerably unsafe for consumer. Hence, it is required to minimize the left over residue from contaminated dry fish by using a technique which can be adopted easily at home. Therefore, to evaluate certain methods for removal of pesticide residues from endrine contaminated dry fish by using some household product. Estimation of residues was done using Gas Chromatography equipped with Electron Captured Detector. The results indicated that dipping in 2% vinegar solution for 15 minutes followed by washing with tap water was found to be more effective in reducing endrin pesticide (66%) when compared with other treatment solutions (0-54%) in Loitta fish. On the other hand, combination of two treatments (dipping in 2% vinegar+cooking) was reduced pesticide residues upto 98 percent from Loitta fish. This study helped to standardize simple cost effective strategies to eliminate harmful pesticides from dry fish which could be practiced by home makers.


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