Determinants of compliance with governance instruments for adoption of green concept in environmental management: Case of Nairobi

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Research Paper 01/03/2018
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Determinants of compliance with governance instruments for adoption of green concept in environmental management: Case of Nairobi

Kathambi Bessy Eva, Mutembei Henry M’Ikiugu
J. Bio. Env. Sci.12( 3), 28-38, March 2018.
Certificate: JBES 2018 [Generate Certificate]


The constitutional guarantee to a clean and healthy environment was a win in Kenyan environmental space as safeguarded by her 2010 constitution. However, environmental governance in Kenya still lacks enforcement and compliance at institutional and citizen levels. This paper documents peoples’ perceptions and factors that influence compliance with governance instruments that regulate adoption of green concept in environmental management; protection, conservation and preservation. Data was collected by surveying 92 households and five key informants (n=97) using semi-structured questionnaires, interviews and observations. The nonparametric Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA) was used to determine the degree of connectivity between the society/institutions and the environmental governance. Respondents’ understanding of green concept in environmental management was significantly low although majority seemed to be aware of the existence of governance instruments regulating the concept in environmental management. Majority also neither knew the implication nor complied with its governance instruments in environmental management. Majority of the respondents agreed compliance to governance instruments would enhance application of green concept in waste management but majority were of contrary view for its application in use of clean energy and its role in industries. Majority of the respondents indicated lack of awareness affected compliance with governance instruments but agreed benefits attributed to its application could result to compliance with its governance instruments as applied to environment management. Majority were willing to comply with the governance instruments after awareness creation, civic education and strict enforcement of the instruments.

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