Determinants of maternal mortality in Cagayan Valley Philippines

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Research Paper 16/02/2024
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Determinants of maternal mortality in Cagayan Valley Philippines

Jolo R. Galabay, Rebecca S. Dela Cruz, Julius T. Capili
J. Bio. Env. Sci.24( 2), 81-107, February 2024.
Certificate: JBES 2024 [Generate Certificate]


Maternal mortality is one of the country’s general health status indicators. This highly preventable phenomenon has been a long-time global health issue that remains high despite the various maternal health initiatives implemented in the country. With the unmet MMR target, this is reasonably included as one primary focus in Sustainable Development Goal No. 3 (SDG3) that focuses on the reduction of maternal mortality. The study aimed to explore the determinants of maternal mortality in Cagayan Valley, Philippines, for the past five years. The researchers used a convergent parallel mixed-methods research design. The quantitative and qualitative data were gathered using a semi-structured purposive sampling method through hybrid key informant interviews of the 104 immediate family members and 50 public health administrators from January 2020 to November 2021. Significant findings reveal that most maternal mortality cases were considered high-risk pregnancies and highly associated with the three-delay model validated through the qualitative results. While maternal mortality is a multifaceted factor, the researchers strongly suggest intensifying the implementation of the MNCHAN program through a holistic and collaborative maternal healthcare approach that engages, embraces, and empowers all women of reproductive ages.


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