Determinants of Smallholder Farmers Coffee Production in Gombora District, Hadiya Zone, South Ethiopia

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Research Paper 06/11/2022
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Determinants of Smallholder Farmers Coffee Production in Gombora District, Hadiya Zone, South Ethiopia

Fekadu Ayele Chucha
Int. J. Biosci.21( 5), 48-64, November 2022.
Certificate: IJB 2022 [Generate Certificate]


Coffee has greater importance in the Ethiopian economy contributing 5 percent of GDP, 41 percent of government foreign tax revenue and 10 percent of the total government revenue and 15 million households are involved in coffee production and dependent on it for their livelihoods. So, this study was carried out in the Gombora district to assess determinants of smallholder farmers’ coffee production in the Gombora District, Hadiya, Zone, South Ethiopia. To achieve the objective, the target sample households were selected in a simple random sampling process. Then, the primary data collected randomly from a sample of 160 coffee producers and non-producers were analyzed using descriptive statistics and SPSS version 25. A total of 13 explanatory variables were used for the binary logit model out of which 6 variables were significant to affect the decision of producers regarding coffee production whereas none of the explanatory variables for sampled producers were found to be significant in the chi-square analysis. Hence; 76.8% of coffee producers were found food secure while only 14.4% of non-producers of coffee were found food insecure. However, the logistic regression model results that the sex of the household head, market distance, and access to credit, farm income, and farm size and extension service greatly affected coffee production. Therefore, concerned stakeholders should encourage coffee production via supporting inputs for rural farm households; accurate, reliable and timely up-to-date market information; the involvement of extension services; the development of the rural road to facilitate producers and non-producers should improve their livelihoods.


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