Determination of cadmium accumulation potential and toxicity threshold level of rice in Alfisol
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Determination of cadmium accumulation potential and toxicity threshold level of rice in Alfisol
Cadmium (Cd) is responsible for limiting the crop yield and contaminating the food chain. Therefore, an experiment was carried out in net-house, department of soil science, Bangladesh Agricultural University, Mymensingh during 2010-2011 to assess the role of Cd on yield and bioaccumulation of Cd in rice as well as food chain contamination. The experiment was conducted in pot with rice (Oryza Sativa L.) as a test crop on acidic soil (Alfisol). The soils were contaminated with increasing concentrations of Cd (i.e 0, 3, 6, 9, 12, 18 and 24 mg kg-1 soil). The concentrations of Cd in rice at different levels of soil contamination were compared with the threshold concentrations of Cd in cereals as established by the Codex Alimentarius Commission (CAC). A bioaccumulation factor was calculated to estimate the potential transfer of Cd to the food chain. According to the results, Cd showed phytotoxic effect on rice growth and Cd contaminated soil was of great potential risk of Cd transfer to the human food chain. The pre-established maximum acceptable concentration of Cd in soil of 1-20 mg kg-1 was not safe to prevent the contamination of food chain for acidic soil.
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