Determination of dust emissions concentration in desert wetlands (Case study: Meighan wetland, Iran )

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Research Paper 01/02/2017
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Determination of dust emissions concentration in desert wetlands (Case study: Meighan wetland, Iran )

Amir Ansari
J. Bio. Env. Sci.10( 2), 89-97, February 2017.
Certificate: JBES 2017 [Generate Certificate]


The hunting prohibited area in Arak’s Meighan wetland is located in the central part of Iran country and in an arid and semi-arid region. In the warm season, the region with its particular desert condition is considered as one of 187 important cores of desertification and dust emissions in the center of the country and in the vicinity of Arak metropolis. The study was using Maxent method with eight variables i.e. soil moisture, wind erosion, temperature, land use, ndvi, wind speed, rainfall, and soil type, and 200 focal points of dust emission. The emission rate was calculated using EPA formulation. The modeling of dust emissions concentration was undertaken employing SCREEN3 for Windows software. The results indicate that an area of 11123.48ha, equivalent to 46.30 %, in the hunting prohibited area of Meighan wetland is the focal point of dust emission. The model validity is 0.844 revealing the excellent performance of Maxent method. Wind speed, soil type, wind erosion, soil moisture and land use are respectively known as the variables with the greatest impact on dust emissions. The rate of dust emission from Meighan wetland is 1067.71 tons/year. Dust emissions concentration in summer and under optimum atmospheric condition with the increase of dust, F and D class, within 10 km of dust emission focal point is 214.97 μg/m³. Comparison of the modeled data and real data confirms the acceptable accuracy of the modeled data. Appropriate solutions are wind erosion control using desertification procedures, protection of water demand in Meighan wetland, and prevention measures against land use changes.


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