Determination of floristic diversity of bela forest of indus between Tarbela and Khairabad, Pakistan

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Research Paper 01/10/2018
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Determination of floristic diversity of bela forest of indus between Tarbela and Khairabad, Pakistan

Behra Mand Khan, Ahmad Hussain, Ume Habiba, Muhammand Salim, Ikhtiham Khan
Int. J. Biosci.13( 4), 302-307, October 2018.
Certificate: IJB 2018 [Generate Certificate]


A research investigation was carried out in bela forest of Indus between Tarbela and Khairabad, Pakistan to document the existent vegetation and floristic diversity. Floristic surveys were conducted during July 2015 to June 2016 for the record of plant biodiversity. The bela forests stretched to 52 km in length from Tarbela to Khairabad in study area. Fifty two random plots were taken along Indus River at four selected sites. All the species within each plot was noted and identified. The determined voucher specimens were deposited in the herbarium and were identified from literature and PMNH (Pakistan Museum of Natural History). Local herders were interviewed to get local names of the plants and matched with PMNH data. Overall 33 plant species belonging to 24 families were identified. Of those, 9 species of tree, 21 species of herbs and 3 species of shrubs were identified and recorded. The herbs were found as the dominant in the flora of Indus between Tarbela and Khairabad (64%), followed by trees species (27%) and least species recorded were shrubs with a percentage of 9.Majority of the of plant 34% was present on exposed sand stone patch, followed by vegetation (30%) on Flat Patches and the lowest (18%) percentage of flora was recorded on both stony and wet patches. The bela forest showed unique pattern of distribution of flora across it length from Tarbela to Khairabad and need to be conserved for sustainable use.


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