Determination of leaching efficiency coefficient in some saline and sodic soil in Khozestan province by using different leaching methods

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Determination of leaching efficiency coefficient in some saline and sodic soil in Khozestan province by using different leaching methods

Zahra Behbahanizadeh Rezaian, Ebrahim Pazira, Ebrahim Panahpour, Narges Zohrabi
J. Bio. Env. Sci.9( 1), 20-32, July 2016.
Certificate: JBES 2016 [Generate Certificate]


Salinization of arable lands is one important factor in decreasing crop yield and the osmotic potential of the soil. Recently, it is one of the big problems in developing countries. There are some various techniques to increase crop yield in saline soils such as amendment of soil area for plants. Leaching of soluble salts from soil profiles can be performed to solve this problem. In this study, three different leaching methods have been performed to estimate utilized leaching water in Veis region, Khoozestan, Iran. These methods are permanent flooding method, intermittent method and sprinkler method which were performed in mint soil culms with 1 meter height inside apolyethylene area with 15 cm diameter. The depth of utilized leaching were 25, 50, 75 and 100 cm, also estimated soil layers were 0-25, 25-50, 50-75 and 75-100 cm. After performing leaching and collecting results, an experimental model was defined for each leaching method. Exponential model in permanent flooding method was the best model based on better correlation coefficient and lower standard error. However, intermittent method showed lower utilized water for soil desalinization and better leaching efficiency coefficient corresponding with soil texture. It is necessary to notice that leaching process in intermittent method needs longer time compare to permanent flooding method, but according to water shortage and good advantages of this model compare to two other methods this problem (time) can be excused.


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