Determination strength parameters rock masses jajarm tunnel based on geotechnical study

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Determination strength parameters rock masses jajarm tunnel based on geotechnical study

Dadkhah Rasool, Hoseeinmirzaee Zahra
J. Bio. Env. Sci.4( 6), 495-502, June 2014.
Certificate: JBES 2014 [Generate Certificate]


The Jajarm tunnel will be built in Alumina mine area, located in 20 km of north of Jajarm city in north east of Iran. This tunnel is 4.8 m in height and 800 m in length and is mainly excavated on sedimentary rocks of the Carboniferous age, Triassic age and Jurassic age. This paper discusses the results of geotechnical survey carry out at the propose Jajarm tunnel. Geotechnical information obtains from field study and the field study includes engineering geological and surface discontinuity mapping. The rock units were classified by RMR, Q-system and GSI. According to results from RMR and the Q-system are shown Mobarak unit and Elika unit are classified as good rock masses and Shemshak unit is classified as poor rock masses. In this study, rock mass strength parameters were estimated by using the Hoek-Brown equation and rock classification. Results of rock mass classifications RMR and Q produces a higher Rock mass modulus compared with the results of the Hoek-Brown equation.


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