Development of conservation techniques for liver samples from rodents of the genus Rattus in Abidjan

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Research Paper 01/08/2021
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Development of conservation techniques for liver samples from rodents of the genus Rattus in Abidjan

Ambroise Kouamé Kintossou, Stanislas Egomli Assohoun, Lydie Amon, Marcelle Money, Stéphane Kan Kouassi, Souleymane Cissé, Joseph Allico Djaman, Amadou Founzégué Coulibaly, Mireille Dosso
Int. J. Biosci.19( 2), 36-50, August 2021.
Certificate: IJB 2021 [Generate Certificate]


Tissue samples should be stored in liquid nitrogen immediately after excision and/or kept at -80°C until analysis. In relation to this requirement, researchers in Côte d’Ivoire have difficulty collecting and transporting tissue samples to areas far away from testing laboratories due to the unavailability, use and cost of preservation equipment. In this study, we prepared two preservation solutions and evaluated their ability to protect liver tissue RNAs for two months for collection and transport to a testing laboratory. Two preservative solutions named solution S1 and S2 were prepared to perform this experimental study. As an animal model for the experiment, we used 15 rats of the genus Rattus. These rats were sacrificed and liver tissue samples were collected and aliquoted according to the solutions, temperatures and storage times. A total of 1500 samples were analysed. Liver RNA can be stored without solution at +18°C for 6 hours, at +4°C for 3 days and at -20°C for 5 days. Solutions S1 and S2 have been shown to preserve liver RNA for 12 hours at +18°C, for 3 days at +4°C and for 30 days at -20°C. Therefore, solution S2 can preserve liver RNA for up to 60 days at -20°C in contrast to solution S1 which does so for 30 days at the same temperature. Solution S2 could be indicated for the preservation of liver RNA for 2 months.


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