Development Waste Biomass Agriculture as Bioenergy and Sustainable Agriculture in Tapin District, South Kalimantan, Indonesia

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Research Paper 05/12/2022
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Development Waste Biomass Agriculture as Bioenergy and Sustainable Agriculture in Tapin District, South Kalimantan, Indonesia

Nuryati, Meldayanoor, Nina Hairiyah, Raden Rizki Amalia
Int. J. Biosci.21( 6), 112-122, December 2022.
Certificate: IJB 2022 [Generate Certificate]


Biomass is the originating material from organisms encompassing life plants, animals, and products beside him like the rubbish garden, yield harvest and so on. Study this aim to identify available biomass, analyze location strategy and potential biomass, design, and apply tool bioenergy and integrate with the concept of sustainable agriculture. Data used is production data agriculture, plantation and animal husbandry with studies literature, survey/observation direct, interview, study comparison in a manner descriptive, design tool using Autocad tools, and calculations efficiency of the biogas produced. Research results show available biomass, including straw rice, husk rice, dirt cows, leaves, stems, and empty bunches of the coconut palm. The strategic location for the development of bioenergy is the district area of  Tapin Tengah because it has potency big for the production of rice, cow, coconut oil palm and plants chili cayenne. Study results comparison show that biomass straw rice and manure cow potentially for developed. Tool design was conducted with the used reactor made of fiberglass, which has part form inlet hole, outlet hole, hole disposal, and tub overflow. After the fermentation process began for 21 days, the resulting pressure of 12.43 atm and gas volume of 0.2826 m3 for every shelter. The results of the flame test performed for boiling water as much as 600 ml is for 6 minutes, so the level efficiency is tall enough that in 1 minute time could heat up 100 ml of water. Waste results fermentation of dirt cows and straw paddy that has fermented could be applied as fertilizer compost for fertilizing the plant so which could support implementing sustainable agriculture.


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