Difference in yield and physiological features in response to different water regime of sweet corn cultivar

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Research Paper 01/06/2017
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Difference in yield and physiological features in response to different water regime of sweet corn cultivar

Nadira Mokarroma, Faruque Ahmed, Md Nurul Islam, A. F. M. Shamim Ahsan, A. K. M. Zonayed-Ull-Noor, K. A. M. Mustafizar Rahman, Imrul Mosaddek Ahmed
Int. J. Biosci.10( 6), 78-86, June 2017.
Certificate: IJB 2017 [Generate Certificate]


Sweet corn (Zea mays L.) producers desire high yields and high sugar content in the endosperm. Irrigation levels result in high yield, but their effect on sugar content is unclear. To study the effect of irrigation at different growth stages on growth and development of sweet corn, an investigation was conducted at the research field of Plant Physiology Division, Bangladesh Agricultural Research Institute (BARI), Joydebpur, Gazipur during rabi season of 2015-16. The treatment included: T1 = Well watered (Irrigation at 4, 6, 8 leaf stage, silking and tasseling stage), T2 = Irrigation at 4- leaf stage, T3 = Irrigation at 4- leaf stage + tasseling stage, T4 = Irrigation at tasseling stage, T5 = No irrigation after emergence (water stress). Water stress reduced SPAD value, leaf area index (LAI), total soluble solid (TSS) which ultimately reduced green cob yield in T5 treatment. Among the treatments, T1 and T3 showed higher LAI (5 and 4), TSS (18.30% and 16.2%) and green cob yield (12.96 t/ha and 10.80 t/ha, respectively) compared to others. Total soluble sugar and reducing sugar was higher in T1 and T3 (12.5, 11 and 12.3, 10.8) respectively. In case of soluble protein T3 was higher (44%) whereas T1 showed lowest result. Moreover, T1 and T3 treatments showed higher starch content (47 and 51%, respectively). But treatment T2 and T5 produced the lowest green cob yield (8.61 t/ha and 6.85 t/ha, respectively). The results revealed that irrigation at 4- leaf stage and tasseling stage (T3) would be itable for sweet corn cultivation regarding water utilization.


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