Different causes of ear infection and its management

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Different causes of ear infection and its management

Lalbibi Bashir Ahmed, Muhammad Kamran Taj, Saima Azam, Syeda Ayesha Ali, Ashiq Hussain, Zohra Samreen, Imran Taj, Bibi Sazian Aman, Sakina Khan, Saqiba Jogezai, Mehroz Rahim
J. Bio. Env. Sci.16( 2), 92-102, February 2020.
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The causes and incidence of ear infection are different worldwide. The high incidence rate of ear infection is found in Asia Pacific, South Asia and African region. The major cause of ear infection is bacteria, virus and fungi. People with seasonal allergies may have a greater risk of getting ear infections when pollen counts are high. Air pollutants, such as sulphur dioxide (SO2), harm the mucociliary function of the Eustachian tube and increases middle ear mucus secretion. The highest incidence of ear infection occurs between the age of 6-24 month and then decreases with advancing age. Use of cotton buds is a dangerous habit and has a strong association with neurodermatitis and contact dermatitis of the external ear. Ear nose and throat (ENT) infections have been reported among flood victims. The most recent effort to improve middle ear drug delivery has focused on optimizing peptide sequences that are actively transported across the tympanic membrane. To treat ear infection antibiotic therapy is required otherwise may become worse or may lead to deafness. However, when the patient suffering from ear infection comes to physician must consider the wide variety of pathogens including bacteria, fungi and viruses. Severe illness or resistance to drug is caused by inappropriate antibiotic therapy. The ear infection should be treated earlier and properly to avoid further development of infection. The combination therapy is the most efficacious. Adenoidectomy is a procedure to remove the adenoids; these are glands at the back of the nose that help fight infections. However, if they become enlarged due to an infection, they can cause an earache and a build-up of fluid. For the control of ear infection preventative measures are important in limiting the impact of this disease.


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