Differential allelopathic effect of nine Haplophyllum tuberculatum growth forms through germination bioassay

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Research Paper 01/11/2014
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Differential allelopathic effect of nine Haplophyllum tuberculatum growth forms through germination bioassay

Salama M. El-Darier, Ream I. Marzouk, Kholod A. Khattab
J. Bio. Env. Sci.5( 5), 1-11, November 2014.
Certificate: JBES 2014 [Generate Certificate]


The main objective of the present study was to analyze and discriminate among nine growth forms (GF) of Haplophyllum tuberculatum collected from six natural sites along the Mediterranean coastal desert of Egypt byapplying the phenomenon of allelopathy as a chemical marker. H. tuberculatum aqueous extracts (HTAE) were tested on germination efficiency and growth parameters of Lepidium sativum and Raphanus sativus seeds. At the full-strength concentration (100%) the highest effect on the germination (GP) and inhibition (IP) percentages, the time taken for 50% germination (T50), mean germination time (MGT), germination energy (GE) and seed germination index (SGI) was exhibited by GF3 and GF5 on Lepidium sativum and Raphanus sativus seeds, respectively. The hypocotyl length (HL) was more sensitive than radicle length under HTAE. It was obvious that the allelopathic effect was prominent in L. sativum compared with R. sativus indicating the resistance of the latter to the allelochemicals extracted from HTAE. The study indicated that germination bioassay differentiated among three different growth forms (GF3, GF5 and the rest of the studied growth forms) which may need further studies using more highly specific techniques for separation and isolation of different allelochemicals.


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