Distribution of Barley Yellow Dwarf Virus in selected districts of Southern, Northern and Central Zone of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Pakistan; A preliminary study

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Distribution of Barley Yellow Dwarf Virus in selected districts of Southern, Northern and Central Zone of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Pakistan; A preliminary study

Kalsoom, Nafees Bacha, Muhammad Ibrahim, Bahar Ali, Johar Jamil, Syed Jawad Ahmad Shah
Int. J. Biosci.11( 5), 70-76, November 2017.
Certificate: IJB 2017 [Generate Certificate]


Barley Yellow Dwarf disease (BYD) is devastating disease of wheat in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa. Considerable losses were recorded in small grain cereals worldwide; BYD losses in wheat ranged from 20 to 30%. Keeping in view the importance and impact of Barley Yellow Dwarf Virus (BYDV) on wheat this study was carried out in three districts i.e. Peshawar, Bannu and Swat representing central, southern and northern zones respectively. Around 134 acres of area consisting of 58 wheat fields were assessed based on disease symptoms using assessment form for recording incidence, severity and field impact of BYDV. Overall mean BYD incidence observed was 6.69%, mean percent severity was 55.3% and mean BYD field impact factor (FIF) was 63.0. In District Peshawar total 17.87 acre area were surveyed, mean BYD incidence of 5.87%, mean percentage severity of 74.4% and mean BYD field impact factor of 60.8 was recorded. In Bannu district 89 acres area was surveyed and mean BYD incidence of 9.85%, mean percent severity of 55.35% and mean BYD field impact factor of 106.5 was observed. In Swat district 27 acre wheat fields were assesed and mean BYD incidence of 4.35%, mean percent severity of 36.15% and mean BYD field impact factor of 21.75 was confirmed. It is inferred that BYDV is an emerging viral threat in central, southern and northern wheat production zones of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa and should be included in regional wheat pathological issues regarding wheat improvement.


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