Distribution of Gaseous pollutants SO2 and NO2, in the urban roadside schools in Imphal City

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Research Paper 01/09/2021
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Distribution of Gaseous pollutants SO2 and NO2, in the urban roadside schools in Imphal City

Rajukumar Khumukcham, R. S. Khoiyangbam
J. Bio. Env. Sci.19( 3), 17-22, September 2021.
Certificate: JBES 2021 [Generate Certificate]


Investigations were carried out during the winter season to assess the air quality by assessing gaseous pollutants in the urban roadside schools in Imphal City. Concentrations of SO2 and NO2 were measured simultaneously inside and outside the classroom using handy air samplers. Statistical analysis of the relationship between indoor and outdoor concentration levels was carried out. The highest concentrations of SO2 and NO2 were found in the school located at the city center surrounded by busy streets and commercial activities, with an average indoor concentration of 5.73±0.69 µg/m3 and 6.76±0.17µg/m3, respectively. The overall average levels of SO2 (4.66±0.85 µg/m3) and NO2 (6.37±0.42µg/m3) were below the permissible limits laid by the NAAQs and WHO. The relationships between indoor and outdoor air quality were investigated using linear regression analysis. The calculated I/O concentration ratios were found to be less than 1. There was a positive correlation between the indoor and outdoor concentrations of SO2 (r = 0.91, at p < 0.001) and NO2 (r = 0.96, at p < 0.001) in the schools establishing the influence of outdoor sources on the indoor concentration levels.


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