Distribution of shrub plant species in Cholistan Desert of Pakistan through quadrate method

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Research Paper 01/04/2020
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Distribution of shrub plant species in Cholistan Desert of Pakistan through quadrate method

Muhammad Zeeshan Talib, Nargis Naz, Syeda Sadaf Zehra, Kiran Majeed, Naveed Aslam, Abdul Rehman, Muhammad Imran, Shakar Hussain, Muhammad Nadeem Akram, Muddassir Abbas, Aftab Aslam, Muhammad Farooq Haider
Int. J. Biosci.16( 4), 428-432, April 2020.
Certificate: IJB 2020 [Generate Certificate]


Plant communities are constantly declined due to various biotic and abiotic factors such asdrought, high salinity, temperature, over grazing and urbanization. The Cholistan desert has a very limited and subnormal vegetation cover. The present study was conducted to determinephyto-sociological status of various locations of Cholistan desert, Punjab, Pakistan. Overall 12 species of plants were reported in Cholistan desert. Generally Lasiurus scindicus showed very high relative density, frequency, relative cover and importance value index. Crotalaris burhia and Aerva persica have moderate while Calotropis procera, Capparisdecidua and Leptadenia pyrotechnica have very low relative values of phyto-sociologicalparameters.


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