Diversified sericulture products: Mulberry fruit wine and wine vinegar

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Research Paper 30/04/2022
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Diversified sericulture products: Mulberry fruit wine and wine vinegar

Elizabeth P. Obra, Lilia A. Ancheta, Merlita A. Dacayanan, Crestilyn N. Damasco
J. Bio. Env. Sci.20( 4), 65-71, April 2022.
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This study explored the production of diversified sericulture products, wine and wine vinegar utilizing mulberry fruits that were analyzed and evaluated. The mulberry fruit wine had sweet, alcohol-like odor while the mulberry wine vinegar had light pungent odor and both possessed dark purple color. The wine’s chemical properties – pH, total acidity, volatile acids, ethanol and methanol were within the Philippine standards so with wine vinegar that included pH, total acidity and ash content except for the total solids attributed to the accumulated impurities which could be corrected through filtration. Sensory evaluation of the wine was described as “Good” in terms of appearance, aftertaste, aroma & bouquet, taste and texture while the wine vinegar was generally “Liked” in terms of appearance, color, texture, flavor, taste and acceptance. It implied that mulberry fruit wine and wine vinegar are potential and viable sericulture diversified products which can be adopted as source of additional income for sericulture farmers along with cocoon production and in sustaining and accelerating the development of sericulture industry.

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