Diversity and abundance of insects found on okra Abelmonchus esculentus cultivation in Man, Côte d’Ivoire
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Diversity and abundance of insects found on okra Abelmonchus esculentus cultivation in Man, Côte d’Ivoire
Abelmonchus esculentus is an important source of vitamins and minerals. However, okra plants were damaged by insect pests. This study carried out to evaluate the diversity of insects on okra plants in Man locality, for better pest management. Insects were recorded from 21th to 70th Day After Sowing, on Clemson spineless okra sown on March 2nd, 2024. A total of 12 species belonging to 6 orders (Hymenoptera, Hemiptera, Orthoptera, Diptera, Lepidoptera, Coleoptera) were collected. The relative abundances of insect pests, predators, parasitoids and pollinators were 55.13%, 17.95%, 7.26% and 19.66% respectively during the vegetative phase, and 69.34%, 17.33%, 5.78% and 7.55% during the reproductive phase, respectively. The Hemiptera Amrasca biguttula, Podagrica decolorata, Dysdercus voelkeri, Bemisia tabaci, Lepidoptera Plutella xylostella and, Orthopterans Oecanthus fultonis, Locusta migratoria and Criotettix bispinosus are pests. Sarcophaga sp (Diptera) is a parasitoid and Brachymyrmex patagonicus (Hymenoptera) is a pollinators. The Coleoptera Coccinella septempunctata, Coccinella cheilomenes and Alticini sp are predators. During the vegetative stage, B. patagonicus (42.09%) and A. biguttula (29.93%) were the most abundant. During the reproductive stage, the highest number of A. biguttula (47.6%), P. decolorata (15.13%), D. voelkeri (13.57%) and B. patagonicus (11.59%) were recorded. Shannon and Margalef indices were higher during the reproductive stage (1.645, 1.602) than those of the vegetative stage (1.589, 1.477). The equitability indices are similar (0.66) for both phases. Knowledge of okra entomofauna will help for integrated pest management.
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Diabate Dohouonan, Coulibaly Tenon, N’guessan Ehikpa Naomie Melinand, Tano Yao (2025), Diversity and abundance of insects found on okra Abelmonchus esculentus cultivation in Man, Côte d’Ivoire; IJB, V26, N1, January, P119-125
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