Diversity and abundance of Spiders (Araneae) in Mt. Kapayas, Cebu, Philippines

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Research Paper 09/01/2024
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Diversity and abundance of Spiders (Araneae) in Mt. Kapayas, Cebu, Philippines

Hemres M. Alburo, Jazzel Jane M. Panerio, Rosalyn P. Alburo, John Gabriel A. Fortuna
J. Bio. Env. Sci.24( 1), 57-68, January 2024.
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Spiders are essential components of the environment as they serve multiple vital roles in the ecosystem yet the insight from this organism is still insufficient. This study aims to determine the abundance and diversity of spiders in Mount Kapayas from forest and non-forest areas. Search and capture methods with a combination of beat-sheet were used during the sampling period of 80-man hours. A total of 360 individuals in 99 species representing 69 genera and 20 families were recorded. Araneidae has the highest record of species richness with 31 species. In terms of abundance, Chrysso sp. had the greatest number of individuals with 20, and from the nine recorded guilds, the most abundant are orb weavers. The study recorded twelve endemic species and five threatened ones under DAO 2019-09. These threatened species include Eriovixia laglaizei (Simon, 1877), Neoscona punctigera (Doleschall, 1857), Neoscona facundoi (Barrion-Dupo, 2008), Neoscona vigilans (Blackwall, 1865), Parawixia dehaani (Doleschall, 1859). Forest sites had a higher species richness and abundance with 225 individuals represented by 91 species compared to non-forest sites with only 135 individuals in 41 species. Forest areas also had a higher Index of Biodiversity of 4.23 and Evenness of 0.94 compared to non-forest with a biodiversity index of only 3.41 and an Evenness of 0.92.

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