Diversity and conservation status of vascular plants of Dir Kohistan valley, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Province

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Research Paper 01/07/2014
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Diversity and conservation status of vascular plants of Dir Kohistan valley, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Province

Gul Jan, Farzana Gul Jan, Muhammad Hamayun, Khalid Khan, Aman Khan
J. Bio. Env. Sci.5( 1), 164-172, July 2014.
Certificate: JBES 2014 [Generate Certificate]


In this research effort have made to document the diversity and conservation status of important medicinal plants found in Dir Kohistan valley. This is ever first record of the flora of this area. The area has many climatic and vegetation zones. Locals residing in mountainous areas belonging to various ethnic groups are traditionally utilizing plants over many generations. The rural population of the valley is dependent on the forest wood and medicinal plants to fulfill their fuel, shelter and livestock fodder demands. In the present study 83 plant species belongs to 50 families have been reported. Out of 83 species, 43 threatened plant species has been reported from Dir Kohistan Valley, of which 22 % species were ranked as endangered, 20 % species vulnerable and 10 % species are rare. Many of these medicinal plants are used in local community. Colchicum luteum, Geranium wallichiana, Paeonia emodi, Podophylum emodi, Valeriana jatamans and Viola biflora are some of the most threatened species and need special attention. Furthermore, out of the total 83 plant species, 80% were medicinal plant species, 47% were used as fuel wood and 33 % were fodder species. Over exploitation of plant resources combined with improper harvesting and post harvesting techniques have intensified pressure on plants of area. The major factors contributing towards plant diversity loss found were poverty, grazing of pasture, forest encroachment, medicinal plant collection, agro-system threats, fuel collection, forest fire, soil-slope erosion and invasive species intensify the environment. Further extensive field conservation/management research is needed.


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